Our sin separates us from God. Jesus made the claim that He is the way, the truth, and the life. That through Him, and Him alone, we would have access to God, and Eternal life. Accepting Him as your savior is the first step in becoming a Christian. SCRIPTURES

Many faith traditions teach various approaches to accepting Jesus as one’s savior. However, the Bible says that if we believe that Jesus is God’s Son, we repent of our sins, and are baptized we will be forgiven of our sins, receive God’s promised Holy Spirit, and His gift of eternal life. SCRIPTURES

My Next Step Is: Accepting Christ As My Savior And Being Baptized. I’m ready to be baptized

Becoming a member of Lincoln Hills is easy, and important. It’s easy because all you have to do is repeat the confession you made when you accepted Jesus as your savior before your new church family. It’s important because now you are a part of a family that can hold you accountable, celebrate your victories with you, and build you up as you continue to pursue Jesus. SCRIPTURES

My Next Step Is: Becoming A Member Of Lincoln Hills I’m ready to become a member

Serving Others
Mature Christians are more concerned with the needs of others than their own. As we continue to grow spiritually and behave more and more as Jesus did, meeting the needs of others becomes one of our highest priorities. SCRIPTURES

My Next Step Is: Finding A Place To Serve I’m ready to serve