What Should I Do When I Arrive?

RELAX! New places can be scary, but you don’t need to feel intimidated.

Our service times are 9:00a and 10:30a. For everyone’s safety, we keep the doors to the building locked during our services. The doors are usually unlocked about 15 minutes prior to the start of the Service.

When you arrive enter through our SafeTville Entrance. It’s located on the front of the building, and there’s a giant banner that says, “Enter Here.”

During the 10:30a service, we offer programming for children (infant-5th grade) in SafeTville. Feel free to check your child in at our check-in desk on the morning of your visit. 

What Should I Expect in the Service?

When you enter the Worship Center, pick up a disposable communion cup and a Connection Card and find a section of seats appropriate for your family. Once you’re seated, take a second and fill out your connection card and drop it in the basket when you leave.

When the service begins, we will sing a few songs, the preacher will share a message from the Bible, and we’ll take the Lord’s Supper together. Feel free to participate as much or as little as you like.

Before the service ends, we will pray for our offering. Black offering boxes are located on the walls near the exits. If you would like to participate in giving, you are invited to do so as you exit. If you are visiting with us, don’t feel obligated to give an offering. You are our guest!

Be sure to grab a gift bag from the Connection Kiosk when you leave.

Everything should be finished in about an hour!